Sunday 12 September 2010

Out and about in Turkey

look closely and you'll see a cicada !

Rubber plants aren't house plants in Turkey, they're trees !

one of the many bracelet shops the girls oohed and aahed over !

the make lampshades and other decorative objects out of gourds

the "dolmus", the local buses that we took when we went out and about by ourselves

on the coach on one of the excursions

Mastik flavoured ice cream anyone ?!

Bodrum is famous for sea sponges

fancy getting your shoes shined ? Ummm don't think it would work with flip flops !


The ancient Mindos gate - me and the kids stayed in the air-conditioned coach while Mike braved the 40° heat to get a photo !

The ancient anmphitheatre in Bodrum

Golden Balls !

Tired, Juliette ?! Sophie's got her "can we go back to the pool now ?" face on !

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