Being a Mum is a fantastic experience but however good you are at multitasking, there are times - especially if you've got elder brothers and sisters to deal with as well as baby - when you really feel like pulling your hair out because you need an extra pair of hands or seven. The Boppy pillow won't suddenly turn you into Shiva but it does make certain tasks a lot easier and free up your hands for when you need to be doing other things.
At first glance, its principal use is as a breastfeeding support pillow. All the books and websites tell you that breastfeeding is a totally natural and instinctive thing to do but, even if you've done it before, it's not always easy getting the right position and, as your midwife will tell you over and over again, if you don't get the position right, you'll end up with very sore boobs and serious regrets ! Even if you do get the right position, you'll still end up with aching arms when baby starts getting heavier so the pillow comes in really handy for propping him up. And it also frees up your arm for reaching for a nearby glass of water, magazine, nose that needs blowing, remote control, etc !
That's the major selling point for most breastfeeding support pillows. But the Boppy pillow goes a lot further. It can also be used right from day one as a cosy nest for baby to lie in. Baby feels secure and enclosed, reminding him of how he felt in the womb, and he is more likely to settle than in a big lonely bed. This is also perfect for babies who have trouble with regurgitating as the head is slightly raised. You can achieve the same position by resting baby on your legs with your knees up if you're lying in bed but you'll end up with pins and needles before he settles, believe me !
From the age of 6 months, when baby can support his head, you can also put him in the nest on his tummy to give him an idea of the crawling position. And as if that wasn't enough, from age 9 months, it can be also used as a support pillow to help baby learn to sit up - which is a surefire way of preventing those first wobbly attempts that end up going sideways with a bumped head and a guilty conscience for mum as you struggle to get a photo of the first time !
I think this would also be perfect for those sleepless nights before the birth, when you can't find a comfortable position to sleep in because of your huge tummy. It could be used to support the bump and curl under between your knees to help circulation and avoid cramps. So it's a 5-in-1, talk about great value !
The pillow can be bought "naked", or with a funky removable cover in a choice of cute patterns and fabrics. The cushion and cover are fully machine-washable and can also be tumble dried (hallelujah !!) and, according to the manufacturers, they retain their original shape no matter how much you squish them about. Despite being a mum for the third time, I'm seriously wondering how I managed without one !!
Up until now, we thought "goat park" was good - but this one has got more than just goats ! It's on of the places Mike took me to walk miles to get my labour well and truly started !!